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BigAL49's Records

Profile | Ranks (11) | Records | Awards | New Stats (11-05-19) | AntiRecords | Guides | Videos | Forum Profile
Game Level Category Order Desc Division Stat Players Date
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 1 52 12 06-25-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 9 26 11 03-10-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 10 30 12 03-04-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 6 19 11 03-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 6 32 11 06-28-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 4 18 10 06-24-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 12 39 11 12-17-11
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 10 15 11 03-10-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 2 15 12 03-10-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 7 18 11 03-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 7 51 13 03-03-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 1 47 11 06-28-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 1 160 12 03-04-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 1 44 12 06-24-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 3 18 12 03-10-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 7 68 11 03-03-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 9 30 13 03-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 5 20 13 03-10-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 2 20 13 02-26-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 2 27 11 06-21-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 8 3,608 16 03-04-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Score Mission 2 1,372 19 03-03-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 7 720 16 12-03-11
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Score Mission 3 1,164 19 01-30-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 8 1,330 15 02-26-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 6 1,244 19 03-04-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Score Mission 8 656 15 11-26-11
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 1 Rings Sonic 365 22 04-02-11
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Aquatic Mine Rings Mission 1 138 125 07-01-09
Sonic Generations Green Hill Challenge 1 Rings Modern 30 49 05-31-16
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Challenge 5 Rings Modern 85 24 10-01-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Chun-Nan Rings Night 3 310 37 04-23-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Death Ruins Rings Shadow 530 23 02-18-09
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Wild Canyon Rings Mission 5 234 128 07-01-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Rings Night 3 230 28 05-01-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) White Jungle Rings Mission 1 287 134 07-02-09
Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary Challenge 3 Rings Modern 75 25 10-01-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Rings Night 3 120 38 04-16-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Wild Canyon Rings Mission 1 170 174 07-01-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Rings Night 4 310 29 05-01-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 5 Rings Sonic 55 32 03-27-11
Sonic Generations Green Hill Challenge 3 Rings Classic 117 34 05-31-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Rings Night 1 220 39 04-16-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Final Haunt Rings Shadow 338 19 01-05-10
Sonic Heroes Hang Castle Rings Chaotix 999 90 10-17-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Rings Night 1 120 31 04-23-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 2 Rings Sonic 128 32 01-03-11
Shadow the Hedgehog Central City Rings Shadow 351 18 01-05-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Rings Night 3 280 34 05-01-10
Sonic Forces Stage 7 Arsenal Pyramid Rings Tag Team 999 6 03-05-19
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Rings Total 1359 59 05-15-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Lethal Highway Rings Shadow 369 31 01-05-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Iron Jungle Rings Shadow 363 22 01-05-10
Sonic Heroes Rail Canyon Rings Rose 531 105 12-01-09
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Route 280 Rings Mission 1 244 77 08-18-15
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Challenge 4 Rings Classic 93 20 12-22-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Rings Day 2 639 49 05-15-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) Final Egg Rings Gamma 120 136 04-04-09
Shadow the Hedgehog Mad Matrix Rings Shadow 566 19 01-05-10
Sonic Heroes Grand Metropolis Rings Chaotix 999 104 07-02-08
Sonic Generations City Escape Challenge 2 Rings Modern 14 26 09-16-16
Sonic Generations Seaside Hill Challenge 4 Rings Modern 66 21 09-21-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Rings Day 1 999 24 05-25-11
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 4 Rings Sonic 135 29 03-20-11
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Rings Night 4 210 29 05-01-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 2 Rings Sonic 339 25 01-23-11
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Dry Lagoon Rings Mission 1 142 128 07-23-09
Sonic Generations Rooftop Run Challenge 5 Rings Modern 10 23 09-16-16
Sonic Generations City Escape Challenge 3 Rings Modern 43 23 09-16-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Holoska Rings Night 1 175 39 04-18-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Sky Troops Rings Shadow 430 26 07-17-08
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Route 101 Rings Mission 1 354 90 08-07-15
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Challenge 1 Rings Modern 313 29 10-01-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Chun-Nan Rings Night 1 250 39 04-23-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Prison Lane Rings Mission 1 139 158 06-30-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Rings Night 1 530 29 05-01-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Air Fleet Rings Shadow 315 22 07-13-08
Shadow the Hedgehog Digital Circuit Rings Shadow 469 23 05-18-08
Sonic Generations Green Hill Challenge 4 Rings Classic 118 37 05-31-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Rings Night 2 140 38 04-16-10
Sonic Heroes Mystic Mansion Rings Sonic 254 95 11-25-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Rings Night 2 190 30 04-23-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 3 Rings Sonic 354 27 04-02-11
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Rings Total 2269 39 05-25-11
Sonic Forces Stage 11 VS. Eggman Rings Classic Sonic 12 6 03-05-19
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Rings Night 3 150 49 03-23-10
Shadow the Hedgehog The ARK Rings Shadow 254 24 05-21-09
Sonic Heroes Bullet Station Rings Rose 315 104 11-08-09
Shadow the Hedgehog Lost Impact Rings Shadow 525 20 01-05-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Rings Night 1 130 50 03-23-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Black Comet Rings Shadow 284 18 07-24-08
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 6 Rings Sonic 132 39 03-30-11
Sonic Heroes Power Plant Rings Chaotix 999 110 12-22-08
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Radical Highway Rings Mission 1 329 140 07-05-09
Sonic Generations Crisis City Challenge 3 Rings Modern 62 22 10-01-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Rings Night 1 430 35 05-01-10
Sonic Forces Stage 2 Spaceport Rings Avatar 999 6 03-05-19
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Dry Lagoon Rings Mission 5 90 103 07-23-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Total Rings Night 6465 52 05-01-10
Sonic Heroes Seaside Hill Rings Sonic 620 139 09-04-10
Sonic Generations City Escape Challenge 4 Rings Modern 50 22 09-16-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Holoska Rings Night 2 230 39 04-18-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 5 Rings Sonic 98 35 01-01-11
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Challenge 3 Rings Classic 77 24 10-15-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Chun-Nan Rings Night 2 200 38 04-23-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Lava Shelter Rings Shadow 449 21 05-21-08
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Prison Lane Rings Mission 4 109 100 08-07-15
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Rings Night 2 420 28 05-01-10
Shadow the Hedgehog The Last Way Rings Shadow 373 16 05-22-09
Sonic Forces Secret 2 Vanish Panel 1 Rings Modern Sonic 293 8 03-05-19
Sonic Generations Green Hill Challenge 4 Rings Modern 106 40 05-31-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Rings Total 1230 45 05-23-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Iron Gate Rings Mission 4 138 82 07-05-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Rings Night 3 60 31 04-23-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 4 Rings Sonic 101 28 01-01-11
Sonic Forces Stage 25 Imperial Tower Rings Avatar 999 6 03-05-19
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Rings Day 1 750 33 05-23-10
Shadow the Hedgehog GUN Fortress Rings Shadow 406 20 06-16-09
Sonic Heroes Lost Jungle Rings Dark 302 92 10-05-09
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Rings Night 4 310 33 05-01-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Cryptic Castle Rings Shadow 566 22 01-05-10
Sonic Forces Stage 4 Prison Hall Rings Avatar 999 6 03-05-19
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Rings Night 2 210 49 03-23-10
Shadow the Hedgehog Prison Island Rings Shadow 463 25 02-18-09
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 5 Rings Sonic 95 33 03-31-11
Sonic Heroes Rail Canyon Rings Sonic 543 105 08-26-09
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mission Street Rings Mission 1 129 137 10-23-15
Sonic Generations Rooftop Run Challenge 3 Rings Classic 38 20 10-26-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Rings Night 2 250 35 05-01-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Rings Day 1 230 54 04-23-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Rings Night 5 840 29 05-01-10
Sonic Heroes Grand Metropolis Rings Sonic 529 117 01-08-10
Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Challenge 4 Rings Modern 48 30 10-01-16
Sonic Generations Seaside Hill Challenge 1 Rings Classic 60 22 12-22-16
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Holoska Rings Night 3 150 37 04-18-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 2 Rings Sonic 237 24 03-20-11
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Challenge 4 Extra Classic 0:00:01 48 12-22-16
Sonic Mania Total Time Attack Tails 56:21:71 2 02-08-18
Sonic Mania Total Time Attack Knuckles 64:45:92 2 02-10-18
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 17 0:03:03 27 02-26-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 18 0:03:53 25 02-26-10

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Player ID: 2185
Hits: 5,346 | Hits This Month: 48 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 893.52 KB | Time: 0.12s | Printable

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